Made from one of the highest performing materials in the world.
• Very stable at extreme temperatures (-50°C to +250°C)
• Replaces stainless steel dry running
• Excellent dimensional stability
• High wear resistance
• Outstanding sliding properties
• Good electrical insulation properties
• Optimised balance of stiffness
• Excellent Chemical Resistance
• Good resistance to radiation (Gamma & X-Ray)
• Low flammability (self-extinguishing)
• High mechanical strength
• Non-Metallic
• Non-Magnetic
• Devoid of all markings
• Weight 9g
• Integrated pocket clip
Any time, any place, anywhere.
The PROBE was originally developed and manufactured in 2018 for extensive travel in permissive, semi-permissive and non-permissive environments.
Manufactured in the United Kingdom.
For export the B-2 PROBE is not restricted or prohibited in any of the 256 countries / regions.
Available from GhostShipExports® – Etsy

Making the detectable undetectable.
The B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber provides the penetrating flexibility and effectiveness inherent in manned bombers. Its low-observable, or “stealth,” characteristics give it the unique ability to penetrate an enemy’s most sophisticated defenses and threaten its most valued, and heavily defended, targets. Its capability to penetrate air defenses and threaten effective retaliation provides a strong, effective deterrent and combat force well into the 21st century. – U.S. Airforce

Inspired by the B-2 Spirit, the B-2 PROBE by STLTH BLACK® is made with the same advanced aerospace material used to manufacture components for the B-2 Spirit.
Just like the B-2 Spirit, the B-2 PROBE also has inherent stealth characteristics and penetrating flexibility.
Real Gear for Real People (RP)
Totally just a tool for pressing buttons – RP1.
Handy tool for pushing buttons – RP2.
I use it to press buttons in public places – RP3.
I have not pushed a button with it yet – RP4.
Better than using your finger! – RP5.
What even is this? – RP6.
Perfect for EDC – RP7.
STLTH BLACK® Development Group
We facilitate the development of future products or the improvement of current products.
The majority of our products will never see the light of day, but there a rare exceptions…

The Tyvek® Delta Pouch (TDP) provides a covert method of carry and concealment for a passport, cash cards, bank notes and other valuable items.
Weighing just 11g and only 2mm thick when empty this is the ultimate low-profile pouch!
Available from Ghost Ship Exports® – Etsy and OscarDelta SPD

The GTFO-Wrist-Strap® 2.0 is a discreet and wearable rescue tool capable of destroying tempered glass. Our version features STLTH BLACK® hardware:
- AHK3-rf (Advanced Handcuff Key – Retrofit)
- Twistlock (secures AHK3-rf onto strap)
- Ballistic-Striker-Bead®
Available from Ghost Ship Exports® -Etsy, FENDCUFF® – Etsy and OscarDelta SPD

The Ausfahrt 2000 is a low-profile escape tool that can be carried and concealed on your person or inside the boot/trunk of your car.
The carbon steel razor blade will cut any non-metallic material, including seatbelts that can fit between the hook and handle.
Available from GhostShipExports® – Etsy and OscarDelta SPD